13/05/96 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 08/10/75
Inspirations to become a master embodiment of knowledge.
Do you consider yourselves to be BapDada's decoration, the decoration of the Brahmin clan, the decoration of theworld and the decoration of your home? Children are said to be the crown of the head, the garland around the neck;therefore, are you BapDada's decoration? In your own home of Paramdham, the land of peace, whilst amidst all theother souls sparkling like stars, are you the especially sparkling decoration of the home? Are you the special soulswho are hero actors within the drama of the corporeal world playing a special part, that is, are you the decoration ofthe world? Are you moving along whilst considering yourselves to be the elevated decoration? Today, BapDada wasseeing His decoration; what did He see? He saw you all in the form of sparkling jewels. Everyone had the form of asparkling jewel, but of course, you were all numberwise. Today, Baba saw the jewels in three forms of decoration.
The first decoration Baba saw were the jewels sparkling in the centre of the crown of the head. Everyone had theform of a sparkling jewel. Each of the three types of jewels had its own speciality. The speciality of the first numberjewels, that is, of the jewels of the crown of the forehead, was that all of them were sparkling like a master sun ofknowledge, equal to the Father. Just as the rays of the sun make the world full of light and dispel darkness from everycorner, so too, the jewels who are master embodiments of knowledge were those who were spreading rays of theirown powers in all directions. The rays of all the powers of each one were reaching the entire world. It wasn't withinlimits; it wasn't reaching just one, not just reaching a few souls, but reaching the entire world. Together with this,they were the master oceans of all virtues, the same as the Father. The sign of this was visible in all the differentcolours of the jewels. Each one had the sparkle of all colours. Such master oceans of all virtues, whilst radiating thebeauty of their variety of colours, were the elevated decoration of the crown. These jewels, sparkling in the centre ofthe crown, were visible as BapDada's special decoration.
There is significance to these jewels being set in the centre of the forehead. These special jewels constantly remainstable in their stage of soul consciousness in the centre of the forehead in the corporeal form. Whilst living in thecorporeal world, their intellect is constantly engaged in the Father's remembrance, the remembrance of the home, theremembrance of the kingdom and Godly service. Therefore, their place, sparkling in the centre of the forehead, wasalso a symbol of their elevated stage. And the speciality of such souls is that they constantly maintain an elevatedawareness, an elevated attitude, elevated vision and are part of the elevated family. This is why they have attained anelevated place, that is, why they have become part of the crown. The most elevated decoration is the crown. A crownis a symbol of greatness, as well as the symbol for a master. It is also a symbol of having all attainments and havingall rights. Did you hear the specialities of such jewels of the forehead, that is, of the jewels who are part of thecrown? Very few of such jewels were visible. These were the first number jewels, the first number decoration.
In the same way, what was the speciality and the basis of the second number decoration who are the garland aroundBapDada's neck? These jewels were also spreading their sparkle in all directions, but what was the difference? Therays of powers of the first number jewels were spreading equally in all directions, but the rays of the jewels of thegarland around the neck were not all equal. Some rays were short and others were long. Some rays were going intothe unlimited whereas others were limited. These jewels were close to the Father, but were not equal to the Father.They had the colours of all the virtues, but not all the colours were clear. They had surrendered themselves toBapDada with their love and cooperation, and they were therefore the garland around the neck.
The basis of such souls is that, through their voice, that is, through their mouth, through the sound from their throat,they constantly sing the praise of the Father. Such souls claim full marks in bringing souls close to the Father bygiving them the Father's introduction, that is, in the subject of serving through speech. They pass fully in servingthrough words but not in the subject of serving through the mind. They themselves are not constantly an embodimentof remembrance, but they constantly remind others of the Father. They become the garland around Baba's neck onthe basis of being close to the Father. There was a greater number of souls of this type. There are, of course, morebeads in a garland. So there were many more jewels of the garland than there were jewels of the crown.
The third decoration was of the bracelet around the wrist. What is their basis or foundation? Arms are the symbol ofbeing cooperative and helpful. Garlands of the wrist and bracelets mean the same thing. You would call a bracelet agarland around the wrist, would you not? What speciality of theirs was visible? The sparkle of their rays was not inthe unlimited, but limited. Not all the colours of virtues were visible; only certain colours of virtues were visibly sparkling. Their speciality was that they were constantly cooperative in every task; they passed fully in the subjectof serving through actions. They were constantly ever ready to serve through their body, mind and wealth; they wereconstantly merged in Baba's arms of love and they constantly experienced BapDada's hand over themselves. Theywere not those who constantly experienced the Company, but always experienced Baba's hand over themselves.There was also a greater number of this type of soul; these souls were cooperative souls. The first number were souls equal to the Father and the second number were of those close to the Father. Did you understand about the threetypes of decoration? Today, Baba saw all the children in the form of three types of decoration. Now check and seewhere you are. This was today's news. You are interested in hearing the news of the subtle region, are you not?Achcha.
To the numberwise jewels, the decoration; to the powerful souls who stay in BapDada's remembrance and to thechildren who constantly have good wishes, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.
Personal meeting:
Are you able to see your confluenceaged form and your future form very clearly? When you are able to see yourfuture clearly, you will make good effort. The final form is of Mahakali, that is, of the one who finishes all devilishsanskars. Therefore, constantly have the awareness that you are Mahakali, and you will not have any devilishsanskars within yourself at this time. You instrument souls should constantly pay attention to making intense effort.What is the slogan for making intense effort? (Whatever actions others see me perform, they will do the same.) Thatis a slogan for mediocre effort. The slogan for intense effort is: Whatever thoughts I have, they will create anatmosphere accordingly. Thoughts affect the atmosphere and the atmosphere affects your effort. Whoever has anyparticular thought, others will follow that person. Action is a gross aspect, but now you even have to pay attention toyour thoughts. Do not consider thoughts to be something insignificant, because thoughts are the seed. If the seed ofthought is weak, you will never experience powerful fruit. To waste even one second is a great mistake. Just as youexperience making a mistake of words, so too, you should be able to experience having made a mistake of wastethoughts. Only when you have such checking will you be able to move forward. Otherwise, you will not be able totake the benefit of the opportunity you have of being an instrument. Now, you should be making deep, subtle effort.The time for making gross effort has now gone by. To make mistakes in actions or words is an aspect of childhood.Now you should be making effort of one in the stage of retirement. If, even now, you continue to make effort ofchildhood, then you will lose the lottery of fortune.
To sometimes be cheerful and sometimes sad, to sometimes make intense effort and sometimes be slack is not a signof a special soul. This is the sign of an ordinary soul. Now, there should be something especially unique in all of youso that you are able to make weak souls powerful with your own powerful attitude. Service is still waiting becauseyou are not content. So now remember the slogan: I have to remain content and I also have to make others content.Do you understand? Achcha.
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